
How this student-athlete and sorority president found her purpose

During her sophomore year, Payton Hicks decided it was time for her to take initiative and change her life for the better.

Today, she is the president of the 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 chapter of Alpha Chi Omega and on her way to finishing her bachelor鈥檚 in mass communication.

鈥淭hree years ago, if you told me that I鈥檇 be president of a sorority, I would totally laugh in your face because that wasn鈥檛 the person I was,鈥 Payton said. 鈥 鈥 I totally decided to make a change, and I didn鈥檛 want to be that person anymore. And, that decision led to me being here in my sorority, and being loved and supported by my sisters.鈥