
This music education student plans to change lives through song

Watching Amelia Lathem sing is something few forget.

The junior 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 music education major has no trouble capturing her audience鈥檚 attention with her elegant ethereal voice.

鈥淥ne thing I love about music is how I feel when I鈥檓 singing with other people,鈥 Lathem said. 鈥淎ll of the drama and chaos in your life goes away. You can put everything in life aside and worry about one thing.鈥

As she moves closer to graduation, Lathem can鈥檛 help but remember where her dreams started.
Growing up, Lathem always knew how to sing, even though none of her family members shared the same talent.

She鈥檒l never forget the first time she performed in front of a live audience as a kid. Standing before her family and church, a missing piece fell into place.

鈥淩ight when I got up there, all of my nerves just went away,鈥 she recounted.

Lathem continued to follow her love of music by taking chorus in elementary, middle and high school. She even went on to win a regional talent show in high school, which she said today is still one of her favorite performances.

Lathem set her sights on a music career after meeting the one teacher who changed her life 鈥 Lindsay Patten, the choral director for Habersham High School.

鈥淪he鈥檚 important in my musical journey, and honestly, I don鈥檛 think I鈥檇 want to be a music teacher without her,鈥 Lathem said. 鈥淪he taught me why music mattered to everyone, not just people who are pursuing it.鈥

Seeing the effect Patten has on her students, Lathem became inspired to follow the same path and become a high school chorus teacher.

鈥淓very time you go into her classroom, you know you can learn something from her, even as a college student now,鈥 she said. 鈥淢usic really made a big impact on me as a student. I just know it would be cool to be a music teacher who makes an impact on students.鈥

Lathem regularly performs at 白小姐三肖三码必中一期 events and ceremonies, and sings for churches, including her own. The junior is particularly drawn toward singing 鈥渟low, pretty opera,鈥 oftentimes in different languages.

鈥湴仔〗闳と氡刂幸黄 has given me a more personal experience than if I decided to go to a bigger college. I know it鈥檚 clich茅 and is used a lot, but I feel like I wouldn鈥檛 be seen as much if I went somewhere else. I have a bigger chance of getting that experience, especially for a solo.鈥